Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Carolingian Practice 2 low res

After a week of practicing, you can seem my ability to write in Carolingian has improved quite a bit. Some good things here, like "wonderment" at the bottom right.

There's still some experimentation, but that's true even when I know a hand well

I like trying out different ways to write letters to see what works best for a particular project. But I always try to maintain good lettering practices like consistency, etc, or at least knowing why I am breaking the "rule" for a particular point.

General Points
** Dating your work like I have allows you to see how much you've progressed. However, I don't keep many of these pieces due to sheer volume. If you did keep them, you could cut them up and use them for collage elements or bookbinding.

** If you're just learning a hand and are writing with letter families (see post from 1/26/09), then exercise your brain trying to come up with words with just those letters.

Other brain expanding options: words that begin with particular letters, words with many different letters. Or just use pangrams like, "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."

Copyright 2009 Shelly Baur.

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